* Our SDK takes care of the below features. Please read for more information only if you are an advanced user.
In this article we’re exploring user ephemeral keys, Ed25519, certificate chains and digital signatures using EdDSA - all of this to unlock a door!
It’s not as bad as it sounds and our SDK handles pretty much all of this, but explaining it is an important step to understanding our platform.
The examples in this article need a slightly newer version of openssl than you may have by default, we tested this article against openssl 3.1.4, the following command should produce a successful result:
openssl genpkey -algorithm ed25519
Ed25519 is a public key signature system - that means you have a private key which you can use to sign things and a public key that anyone can use to verify your signature is correct, these properties are very useful for us, we rely upon digital signatures extensively to ensure the right person is performing an action.
EdDSA just stands for Edwards Digital Signature Algorithm, it’s the actual algorithm used to calculate signatures, where as Ed25519 is technically the name of a curve the whole scheme is based on.
If you’ve used RSA in the past, Ed25519 is very similar, just smaller and faster.
Ephemeral Key Registration
Every time a user logs into a new device, we generate a new Ed25519 keypair and ask Doordeck to sign it in the form of a keychain, we can perform these steps manually, let's start by generating a keypair.
openssl genpkey -algorithm ed25519 -outform DER -out private.key
Extract the public key
openssl pkey -inform DER -in private.key -pubout -outform DER -out public.key
We need to wrap the public key in base 64 encoding to be able to send it to Doordeck:
cat public.key | base64 > public.base64.key
Now we can send it to Doordeck using an auth key generated from the previous article; currently we need to use the development endpoint - we’ll save the response to a file called certs.json
curl "https://api.doordeck.com/auth/certificate" \
-X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
--data-binary "{\"ephemeralKey\":\"`cat public.base64.key`\"}" > certs.json
This endpoint tells us our newly generated certificate chain and our Doordeck user ID which we need for certain operations, such as having a door shared with us. We’ll be using this information later so hold onto it.
Get A Door
Whilst I could jump straight into unlocking a door, you probably haven’t got one setup yet, so I’ve thrown together a basic HTML form where you can input your user ID as displayed from the last step:
cat certs.json | jq .userId
Visit https://api.doordeck.com/demo/ and put your user ID in.
Unlock It!
Now we need to construct a signed JWT request and send it to Doordeck to forward onto the Demo door - this is surprisingly similar to the OpenID token we created in the previous article since OpenID is built on top of JWT!
The header is easy, we take the certificate chain from the last step and put it in the ‘x5c’ field, we then specify our algorithm, EdDSA and ‘typ’ as ‘JWT’, e.g.
"typ": "jwt",
"x5c": [
"alg": "EdDSA"
Most certificates start with MII but replace them with actual certificates as shown in the last step, in the same order.
The body is where we specify the door we want to unlock and how long our request is valid for, e.g.:
"iss": "YOUR_USER_ID",
"sub": "ad8fb900-4def-11e8-9370-170748b9fca8",
"operation": {
"type": "MUTATE_LOCK",
"locked": false
"exp": 1550497860,
"iat": 1550497800,
"nbf": 1550497800
You’ll have to adjust a few fields in this JSON example, specifically you should put your user ID from the last step in the ‘iss’ field (as you’re issuing the command), the subject here is the demo door ID so you can leave that the same, but you’ll need to set the ‘iat’ and ‘nbf’ fields to the current Unix timestamp in seconds then the ‘exp’ field to the current Unix timestamp + 60 seconds, this is adjustable but 60 seconds is a sensible default.
As JWT goes, we have to BASE64URL encode the header then the body and concatenate them with a ‘.’ period in between.
alias base64url="base64 | sed 's/+/-/g;s/\//_/g;s/=//g'"
echo -n '{"typ":"jwt","x5c":["MII...","MII...","MII...","MII..."],"alg":"EdDSA"}' | base64url
echo -n '{"iss":"YOUR_USER_ID","sub":"ad8fb900-4def-11e8-9370-170748b9fca8","operation":{"type":"MUTATE_LOCK","locked":false},"exp":1550497860,"iat":1550497800,"nbf":1550497800}' | base64url
Combine these and perform a signature calculation.
echo -n eyJ0eXAiOiJqd3QiLCJ4NWMiOlsiTUlJLi4uIiwiTUlJLi4uIiwiTUlJLi4uIiwiTUlJLi4uIl0sImFsZyI6IkVkRFNBIn0K.eyJpc3MiOiJZT1VSX1VTRVJfSUQiLCJzdWIiOiJhZDhmYjkwMC00ZGVmLTExZTgtOTM3MC0xNzA3NDhiOWZjYTgiLCJvcGVyYXRpb24iOnsidHlwZSI6Ik1VVEFCTEVfTE9DSyIsImxvY2tlZCI6ZmFsc2V9LCJleHAiOjE1NTA0OTc4NjAsImlhdCI6MTU1MDQ5NzgwMCwibmJmIjoxNTUwNDk3ODAwfQo > token
openssl pkeyutl -sign -inkey private.key -rawin -in token | base64url
Phew, almost there! That command should output a signature in Base64Url format, e.g.
Combine it all together and you get a complete JWT token which we can now send to Doordeck.
curl 'https://api.doordeck.com/device/ad8fb900-4def-11e8-9370-170748b9fca8/execute' \
-H 'authorization: Bearer TOKEN' \
-H 'content-type: application/json;charset=UTF-8' \
--data-binary "$JWT"
Sending this command should trigger the animated virtual door at https://demo.doordeck.com/, don’t forget, you may need to update the expiry time of your JWT since generating the initial payload.